What is Self Care? Why is it such a Buzz word right now?
I believe that Self-care looks different for each person. For one it might be going to the gym every day, for another it might be getting a pedicure once a month...to others it may be just reading a book before bed in the evenings. It is not necessarily about "pampering" yourself. It is about making your spiritual, physical, and mental well being a priority. Self-care is what brought me to the skincare industry. I wanted to be sure to share my love of Self-care with others and promote how important it is to find what Self-care means to you and to practice it as often as you need. I want to help cultivate your Self-care. Whether that be means having smooth legs from sugaring, a warm glow on your skin from an airbrush tan, or simply giving you a relaxing facial once a month.
What is the buzz about?
I believe that Self-care has become a buzz word or a focus of blogs other social media because of just that.... Social media. As we become more intertwined with our digital devices, the world seems much more fast paced. We see more news, politics, and stories about the lost dog across the country that we may have never known about 10 years ago. I encourage you to follow my Instagram and watch for my #selfcarewednesdays and read my blog.
I will share tips, tricks and articles about how to practice Self-care. That being said maybe spending that 20-30 minutes every morning checking social media is your Self-care........